■ Goodreads score: 4.6 / 5.0 (330 ratings & 30 reviews)
■ Amazon score: 5 stars / 5 (106 reviews)
■ 2019 The Bookseller's Editor's Choice
■ 2019 Jewish Book Council Finalist
■ 2018 National Reading Group Great Group Read

■ "…proof of the power of women's relationships to recreate the world." - Anita Diamant, Author of The Red Tent
■ Goodreads score: 4.2 / 5.0 (4,328 reviews)
■ Amazon score: 4.7 / 5.0 (486 reviews)
■ A Book Sense Reading Group Pick
■ One of Entertainment Weekly's top 10 narrative travel books

“Not since the Diary of Anne Frank, have I been so touched by a book that grapples with the Holocaust. This book is a revelation about what sustains the human spirit, what is far stronger than hate.”
— Jacqueline Sheehan, NYTimes bestselling author
“There have been many accounts of studying people from other cultures, but few of actually being friends with them. Anyone who is curious about what such a friendship feels like from the inside should read this respectful but intimate account.”
— Anne Fadiman, author of "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down"